Saturday, March 30, 2013

Midnight adventure

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So last last Sunday the boy decides to bathe his wife at 11pm.
The cardboards was placed there for a reason because
while reversing into his home it will scratch his car's underneath
due to the slight slope so.......... ya. I always find it funny when
he places them there then he'll be like 'eh help me see will bua until anot ah'.
Felt bored while waiting for him to be done before
I can help to vacuum the interiors and carpets etc.,
I used this time to look around his front yard and only then did I realize that
his mom loves flowers as much as my mom does AFTER 4 years. LOL
Potted flowers everywhere hahaha. Shall show ya'll mine one day and you'll understand
Because it was already close to midnight so it's rather dark
but at least you get what I mean right?
My point is there are lots of potted flowers in his home and so does mine.

By the time he was done cleaning and all it was already 12am+ (summore never put soap
and all due to the waxing + claying that was done few days back so
cannot put soap only can rinse with water) and we still had to vacuum.
Lucky for him no one complained and the funnier thing is none of his family members
even woke up to the sound??? Quite funny and amazed at that cus
if it were to happen at my own home it'd be very different.
By the time we were done with everything it was already about 2am.
Imagine if he still washed the car with soap and all that.
So anyways I went back to the room and rested while using my phone.
I was sitting on the bed with my head leaning against the curtain
when all of a sudden a heard a thud sound and felt the curtain move.
My immediate reaction was of cos to get up so I stared at the curtain for awhile,
allowing my brain to process what just happened and figure out what the fuck happened.
I knew something was wrong and there WAS something behind the curtain.
Me being the brave and courageous me, pulled the curtain and
to my fucking horror a fucking mouse greeted me and scurried to hiding.
Knn gave me a shock cus honestly I wasn't expecting a mouse.

I never even thought of what would that thing which greeted me will be,
I only knew that I had to find out. I screamed out of shock but not very loudly
cus I knew it was already two fucking am and others were sleeping so
I ran to the toilet where the boy was bathing and asked him to hurry come out.
That fucker despite hearing my scream still continued bathing and when he was done
he said that there was still soap so he didn't come out to see what happened.
I told him that if ever there was to be a robbery or any accident in the future,
he'd still be happily bathing and I'd have been dead or killed by then -_-
So anyways his mom heard us talking and came to the rescue.
I was sitting on the bed then decided to stand on the dustbin instead cus I'd be blocking them.
The mouse then ran towards my direction like as though it wanted to jump up
onto the bin as well to save itself from the broom and mop so I panicked,
lost balance and fell wtf. Both of them were laughing at me instead of helping me get up.
I then decided to sit on the table instead cus it was higher and chances are
the mouse wouldn't be able to get up there right? I was so fucking wrong.
I eventually switched back from the table to the dustbin cus the mouse
fucking knows how to jump up so quickly for its dear life that before I knew it,
it was already on the table as well. In the end we finally let it escape by the window
which was where it came in from. The window was linked to the backyard's kitchen
thats why it managed to climb in through a gap.
And luckily I found out earlier otherwise we'd be sleeping with a mouse that night.
B kept saying that it was my friend and it came to look for me.
Though my friends call me mousey but the real deal is really disgusting hahahaha